Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Small Steps Review

"Small Steps"
By Louis Sachar
Reviewed by: Khalil J.
Rating: ****1/2 (out of 5)

Have you ever set goals for your self? How about Small Steps? Well, Theodore has! Theodore is the boy named "Armpit" from the book "Holes". Theodore and his ten year old best friend, Ginny, have setr some of their own "small steps" or goals. X-Ray, Theodore's friend from Camp Green Lake, shows up with a ''get rich quick" scheme. He wans so do some ticket scalping which will lead Theodore to African-American Pop-Singer Kaira DeLeon, the person for whom they are selling the tickets for. Kaira and Theodore become almost more than friends but, El Genius and Jerome Paisley have other plans for the two of them. Will Theodore get hurt or Kaira? Will this be the end? If you read the book, you'll find out.
I really enjoyed this book very much and I don't read books like these very much. But there's not any other book like this one. The characters were really good especially Ginny. She is my favorite. She is ten years old, Theodores best friend, and has cerebral palsy. Her stuffed animals also have disabillities like Coo, her buny-human like thing. Coo has leukemia.Louis Sachar really put a lot of hard work into this novel. It is definatly different than "Holes". This has to be one of his best books. The book had a great setting, Austin, TX, which was different than where "Holes" took place, Alberqurque, NM.
I would definatly recommend this book to people around the age of ten to eightteen for this book is a good book for pre-teens and teens. You might think that it is a cheap rip off of "Holes", but your seriously wrong. This book only uses the characters Theodore (Armpit) and X-Ray from "Holes". This book is good to read in 5th or 6th grade especially after reading "Holes". This book is a reading experience that you do not want to miss. This book ia only for people who like to read new things or like realistic fiction or for any type of person who really likes a good book.


Aubrey N said...

You have a few mistakes but otherwise it is good. You might want to make some space in between each paragragh. Why do you think it should be read by 10 to 18 year olds?

Mr. Talner said...

I think you are pretty much done. You just need to fix some of the typo errors. Other than that it looks pretty good.

Mr. Talner said...

oh yea, add some paragraphs too. I think Aubrey is right.